Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Monday

So, It is the 2nd day of the week; the beginning of a new work week for those with the wonderful and at times awful 9-5. The weather is mild, the sun is shining; a good afternoon. I have just finished reviewing Sunday's career section of the local newspaper. I found a couple of positions to apply to, which is great.
One thing I had begun to do about a year ago, is to look at the wedding announcements and engagements. You'd be surprised to find that they often list the place of employment and job titles of the new couple. You will find sometimes that they work for pretty great companies that may not be common knowledge to you. I write down these companies and look them up for employment opportunities, some of these places do not or have not advertised for open positions. In addition, please note that there may be a good chance that the new couple will be relocating and leaving these positions, so be sure to look at the bottom of the announcement where they will be residing.
Yes, it may seem out of line for some, but I find it to be just another solution/tool for the job search.

Have a good day, and if that is no longer an option, have a good tomorrow. Smile.

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